The fourth human rights dialogue between SaudiArabia and the EU was chaired by Al-Tuwaijri on theSaudi side and Olof Skoog, the EU SpecialRepresentative for Human Rights on the European Side.
A series of human rights reforms were implemented at all levels, bringing positive changes to the region and paving the way for broad and sustainable. development.
Protecting human rights and ensuring that there is no law that would lead toad violation of the law is paramount to the development and protection of human rights inSaudi Arabia. Update many systems, such as labour ,prevention of abuse, child protection, security protection , protection of personal data, the elderly,etc.
One of the goals of Vision 2030 is to increase women's participation in business life to 30% by2030. It is stated that women's participation in business life will increase to 35.4% in the fourth quarter of 2024, instead of 108% since 2017.
It is stated that this rate will reach 86.9% by 2023,compared to 50% in 2017. Protection of the rights of all people without discrimination.