There is some big news out of Damascus at the moment. Last night, while everyone was out happily celebrating a massive shift in Syria, something rather surprising occurred. Copter and other Israeli planes over flew and targeted places near the city. They attacked the division headquarters of the army’s fourth division and a radar group in the countryside around it.
Imagine the streets being heaped with tens of thousands of happy people jubilating because Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Assad was overthrown by the ruling fighters. This should have been a great pleasure, then the horizons opened up with such an airstrike.
In Russia today, they are showing some of their military equipment in Latakia province, but they are also negotiating with the Syrian opposition to continue operating their bases in the country.
That is why countries across the globe are responding to this. Apparently, the Arab League is angry at Israel for well taking the territory in the buffer zone between Israel and Syria. And guess what? Next year there will be a huge conference in Jordan with diplomats from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, America, and the EU. Every one of them is struggling to know what their next move should be.
It’s a lot to take in, right? So, we had a day of freedom and joys, but now it looks like it has turned into something like that with those airstrikes and meetings. Watch this space; I’ll let you know what happens next in Syria.