A 23-year-old Indian student, Aryan Reddy, tragically lost his life in the United States after a small mistake while celebrating his birthday with friends. Aryan, who was pursuing his Master’s degree at Kansas State University, was at his home in Georgia when the fatal incident occurred.
Drone attacks on refugee camps and continued bombings intensify Palestinian suffering
Ministry Highlights Commitment to Tolerance, Security, and Justice
Human rights organizations have harshly criticized Singapore's recent increase in the use of the death penalty, which has rekindled the global discussion about the death penalty. Concerns regarding freedom of expression and the right to dissent are raised by the government's increased pressure on campaigners opposed to the death sentence.
Vanuatu's city, Port Vila, is in the midst of destruction following a strong earthquake that killed at least 14 people and left scores more missing on the Pacific island nation. Buildings were reduced to rubble, infrastructure was damaged, and much of the city was plunged into disarray by the 7.4 magnitude earthquake that struck late Monday.
The tremor, measured at a magnitude of 6.8 on the Richter scale, was powerful enough to be felt across neighboring countries, including India, Nepal, and Bhutan