As per intelligence agency officials, the cruel rebel siege in Pakistan led to the killing of 16 army personnel. The region where the attack took place has been undergoing serious unrest and was widely condemned by authorities both local and international. This is amongst one of the major attacks involving militants in that region for the past few months. The attack was in the north western area where there has been a surge in militancy consisting of groups of Taliban and other insurgents in that region. As per the claims, the soldiers were endeavoring towards the security operation when they were attacked by militants who had heavy ammunition.
They have combated with criminals; have been combated with criminals of his region. In addition, we have lavished more combat forces on this region. In the region, Pakistan’s authority has promised to put more effort and combat groups in aim to curb any violence. The deadly raid has doom escalated the rate of security provided to the areas of Pakistan. More specifically, it has raised alarm bells over the hawk hitched terror threats in established regions. Local officials appeal for a more strong-handed approach by the central command everywhere across Pakistan.
The attack by the rebels illustrates a deeper problem, exacerbated by the relatively unstable territories in the immediate neighborhood, e.g. in Afghanistan, in the longer term should these forces not be effectively “dealt with” or, “neutralized” such activities would only increase anymore in the region. Now, the Pakistani elites have expressed condemns and sympathies with the bereaved families in Pakistan and have made it clear US led operations within Pakistan would no longer be tolerated. This non-trivial incident has attracted the world’s spotlight into the growing violence, and the global war on terror.