"The Unbreakable Connection: My Treasured Moments with My Grandparents"

  • Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

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Growing up, I always felt a special connection with my grandparents, one that seemed unlike any other relationship. Looking back, I realize how much they shaped my childhood in ways I never really appreciated until later. 

For me, my grandparents were the ultimate source of comfort and love. They had a way of making me feel like the most important person in the world without ever saying it directly. It wasn’t about grand gestures, but about the little things, like how they listened to my stories or how they saved my favorite foods when I visited. His love was endless and unconditional, something he could count on, no matter what. 

What I loved most were his stories. My grandfather especially loved to tell me stories from his childhood, like the one where he climbed trees or stole mangoes from the neighbor's grove. These stories weren't just fun; they taught me lessons of resilience, courage, and family traditions. I remember sitting next to him, completely lost in his words and feeling like I was traveling back in time. These moments became the foundation of my understanding of my origins. 

My grandparents also had a lot of time for me. Unlike my parents, who were always busy with work and household responsibilities, they were patient and caring. They played the same board game a hundred times just to see me smile or sit with me for hours to help me do something stupid. I never felt like a burden in his presence; on the contrary, I feel important, loved and understood. I think what brought us together was their ability to create a space where I felt free. There were no strict rules, no rush, just warmth and acceptance. It’s no wonder children feel so attached to their grandparents: they offer them a sense of love and belonging that seems simple and pure. 

Even now, looking back on those times, I realize that the lessons, love, and memories they gave me are treasures that I carry with me to this day. To me, my grandparents were more than family: they were my friends, my teachers, and my refuge.

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